its a feeling like...
you walk on your way... it seems to be all right...
but... all the same - something's wrong
you don't have an idea what

and one day
you hit a choise
-> change direktion of your way
you meet some people
and your life's turned all inside out
all's o_kay and ev'rything makes you happy

it's like...
the feeling when you lay on your hammock
all's stress
the sun's shining down and you feel her rays on your skin
warming you up
your friends are with you
hanging around with you
no noice, no stress
the waves of the sea wisper their song
and all in all is allright

its a feeling like...
you walk on your way... it seems to be all right...
but... all the same - something's wrong
you don't have an idea what
and one day
you hit a choise
-> change direktion of your way
you meet some people
and your life's turned all inside out
all's o_kay and ev'rything makes you happy
it's like...
the feeling when you lay on your hammock
all's stress
the sun's shining down and you feel her rays on your skin
warming you up
your friends are with you
hanging around with you
no noice, no stress
the waves of the sea wisper their song
and all in all is allright
(c) die letzten beiden bilder sind nicht von mir... ich hab sie irgendwann und irgendwo in den weiten des internets gefunden und für gut befunden
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