suche was bestimmtes...

something about this blog

Mein Bild
die gedanken schweifen lassen, bewusst über dinge nachdenken, sich selbst ein stückchen besser kennenlernen, die welt besser verstehen, die gedanken auf feinheiten konzentrieren und merken dass es nicht immer auf die großen dinge im leben ankommt, die welt immer mehr bewusst wahrnehmen, lernen, stoff zum diskutieren geben, ein feeling fürs leben bekommen, gedanken und gefühle festhalten

das alles bedeutet schreiben für mich
beim schreiben kann ich mir zeit lassen, chillen, nachdenken, alles nochmal durchlesen und vielleicht etwas besser formulieren...
das geht beim reden nicht... da hat man nicht richtig nachgedacht und schon ist etwas gesagt, was man vielleicht lieber anders, oder lieber garnicht gesagt hätte...


Montag, 9. August 2010

...something like... assurance


do you know what it means
to know what's the sense of life?


i got it
...that easy...

people finally are not made for this world
people are made for eternitiy
they come to this world
without anything beside their life... a great gift
form the one and only god
they go through this world
growing their life... without any restriktions
able to do and leave what they want
but with one great responsibillity
to bring this life healthy and well back

and they leave this world
to account for the way they grew their life
in front of the giver of life

and there are two directions to live your life
two possibilities to bring your life back to the giver

you can bring your life back
filled with a lifestyle as god pleases

or you can bring it back
full of things that nasuate god

there is no way between this two ways

and there are two ways
you can spend your time in eternity

together with god
without sorrows and pain, no tears, no scream, no scare
and eternal be loved like you can't imagine

or away from god
never ending scare, full of pain, insatiable thirst
for eternity

no possibility to change

it's just your desition
just think about eternity
what it really means

i'm happy to know for sure
i'm gods child
and i can come to him
every time 24/7/365

i can tell him
what i feel, what i've done,
and i can ask him for the way he wants to me to go
and i can ask him for forgiveness
and he will help me and show me the way i should go

not ev'rytime as i pleased
but ev'rytime as it was the best for me


it's someting like... assurance of life


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