suche was bestimmtes...

something about this blog

Mein Bild
die gedanken schweifen lassen, bewusst über dinge nachdenken, sich selbst ein stückchen besser kennenlernen, die welt besser verstehen, die gedanken auf feinheiten konzentrieren und merken dass es nicht immer auf die großen dinge im leben ankommt, die welt immer mehr bewusst wahrnehmen, lernen, stoff zum diskutieren geben, ein feeling fürs leben bekommen, gedanken und gefühle festhalten

das alles bedeutet schreiben für mich
beim schreiben kann ich mir zeit lassen, chillen, nachdenken, alles nochmal durchlesen und vielleicht etwas besser formulieren...
das geht beim reden nicht... da hat man nicht richtig nachgedacht und schon ist etwas gesagt, was man vielleicht lieber anders, oder lieber garnicht gesagt hätte...


Dienstag, 15. Juni 2010

the mask

peoples live is an endless forced encryption game...
nobody has the accreditation to access your emotions inside of you
you've learned to force your tears and your rage off your face
and smile at the person who hurt your heart
you've learned to poke fun at a person you have a crush on
just because you don't know how to tell him seriuosly
you've learned to force any emotion that's not requested off your face
no one has the allowance to know what you really feel
you wanna say:
shut up, fuck you, one more word and i'll ___!
and you smile and say:
yes sir, allready in progress sir, no problem sir :))

and you wanna say:
help me, can't go through, i'm too week... 8|
and you force the tears away and say:
oh, no problem, that's nothing, i'll get it

and you wanna say:
o man, just leave me, ur getting on my nervs - extremly
and you smile and say:
o, just let me help you, it's okay

and you wanna say:
♥just stay... i like you... the world's just allright when you are there♥
and you get a stoned face and say:

and you wanna say:
thaz so mean... just stop it
and you keep laughing and say:
yeah - thaz so funny let's do it


just let the mask fall off your face
get off this stoned face
and let the world know what you feel
'caus no one knows how to serve you right
when you let no one know you right

(c) das bild ist nicht von mir... ich hab es irgendwann und irgendwo in den weiten des internets gefunden und für gut befunden

4 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

You konw the hardest mask I've ever seen is yours, sometimes I wish you would say what you think, don't tell, just say: shut up, help me, leave me, ...!
I've so often wished you would say something like this. We are your friends and we want to know you. We want to now you completley, we want to understand you, so that one day there won't be words in need. There are days I wish I could see behind the mask, I like you the way you are, but I don't like your mask.

PS: Hope my english is not to bad.

McWista hat gesagt…

what do you think why i wrote this words?... it's outa ma life... it's no fantasy... this words are written first to me - from me...
i didn't know that... but now i know...

and... just for you to know... i didn't find any person yet i'd be ready for get down my mask realy for... no one in ma life... and i think it wont be the next time i find a person like this...

McWista hat gesagt…

and... i still like my mask...

Anonym hat gesagt…

I didn't mean it this way. I won't ask you to lay down your mask, of course i've written, but what I wanted to say was: when You're angry it would be fine, if you could say that. Sometimes I've got the feeling to annoy you, but I'm not really shure and I don't now how to react in such situations. I don't want to offend you. I'm the last person asking you to lay down your mask . I don't wan to change you.