suche was bestimmtes...

something about this blog

Mein Bild
die gedanken schweifen lassen, bewusst über dinge nachdenken, sich selbst ein stückchen besser kennenlernen, die welt besser verstehen, die gedanken auf feinheiten konzentrieren und merken dass es nicht immer auf die großen dinge im leben ankommt, die welt immer mehr bewusst wahrnehmen, lernen, stoff zum diskutieren geben, ein feeling fürs leben bekommen, gedanken und gefühle festhalten

das alles bedeutet schreiben für mich
beim schreiben kann ich mir zeit lassen, chillen, nachdenken, alles nochmal durchlesen und vielleicht etwas besser formulieren...
das geht beim reden nicht... da hat man nicht richtig nachgedacht und schon ist etwas gesagt, was man vielleicht lieber anders, oder lieber garnicht gesagt hätte...


Mittwoch, 9. Juni 2010

-`,´- hush -`,´-

...absolute silence...
we live in in an age in that
something like that has been almost forgotten
ev'rybody has to do something
rise his carreer, run furiously to his next appointment,
chat with people don't really knowing them, check the current stock exchange,
travel arround the world, rise his company, search for peoples approval
ev'rybody has in-ears, hearing music as loud as possible

hurry surrounds you... and you are forced to compete
for you survive in this forced world

...but that's just what you think...
...just what is told to you since you can understand any words...

...and it is a LIE... a big, fat LIE...
what counts is your desicion about the way you wanna go

...absolute silence...
it's time to remember it again

just leave this civilized places on this earth
and find a place you don't hear any noises
no street, no cities, no high voltage line over you,
no light shines from the horizon to overlay the light from the stars
all you have with you is yourself and your clothes
no cellphone, no ipod, no clock, no calendar

it's hard for the first time... i know...
you can hear that silence - you can feel that silence
it hurts... like someone hits your eardrum with a baseball bat
you think you can't endure that silence very long...
it's pure pain

but if you are back again in the civilization
you wonder how you endured that noiseand you wanna come back to this place
and you wanna enjoy this

absolute silence

it heals your wound soul from the hurry that wipes it out
finally you come clear with your mind
all problems are so far away
and at once you begin a talk with god,
and at once you can hear what he want's to say to you's a massage for your overused soul...
...absolute silence...
it hurts the pain away

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