suche was bestimmtes...

something about this blog

Mein Bild
die gedanken schweifen lassen, bewusst über dinge nachdenken, sich selbst ein stückchen besser kennenlernen, die welt besser verstehen, die gedanken auf feinheiten konzentrieren und merken dass es nicht immer auf die großen dinge im leben ankommt, die welt immer mehr bewusst wahrnehmen, lernen, stoff zum diskutieren geben, ein feeling fürs leben bekommen, gedanken und gefühle festhalten

das alles bedeutet schreiben für mich
beim schreiben kann ich mir zeit lassen, chillen, nachdenken, alles nochmal durchlesen und vielleicht etwas besser formulieren...
das geht beim reden nicht... da hat man nicht richtig nachgedacht und schon ist etwas gesagt, was man vielleicht lieber anders, oder lieber garnicht gesagt hätte...


Donnerstag, 17. Juni 2010

take a way - and stand the resistance

you're alive
it's a gift you never deserved
so take it and do the best with it
all you have to do is
knowing the right way
and walk this way
what's the sense with
knowing the right way
but although going the other?
anyways you'll meet resistance
'caus people don't like
if you go the right way
they'll laugh about you
they'll poke their jokes to you
and finaly they'll fight you
'caus if you go the right way
they're remembered to their wrong way
and they're much too proud to stand their shame
they're afraid of your righteousness
'caus you could uncover their incorrectness
maybe they'll try to mislead you
saying: just do it... whats wrong with tis way
once is nothing
maybe they'll try to overawe you
beating you, mobbing you, bearing you down
with the hope you'll give up
maybe they'll try to intrigue against you
telling bad storys about you
with the hope the people would avoid you
but all you have to do is
knowing the right way
and walk this way
if you do that
no one could disturb you on your way
no mislead, no intimidation, no intrigue
do what you think is right
and don't give any attention to the peoples oppinion
stand the resistance
it's like... train your muscles of self-confidence
you get stronger and sronger
and if you have muscle ache... it's a good sign
and at once
people look at you and say
he was right... all the time
you're alive
it's a gift you never deserved
so take it and do the best with it
all you have to do is
knowing the right way
and walk this way

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